personality n. 1.人的存在;个性,【心理学】性格;人格,品格,做人,为人;容貌。 2.(有名)人物。 3.〔常 pl.〕人物批评;攻击个人(的材料)。 4.【地质学;地理学】地势,地相。 5.〔罕用语〕动产。 a man with little personality 个性不强的人。 a man of strong personality 个性强的人。 double [dual] personality 【心理学】双重人格。
The revelation of quality education in rogers'personality theory 对素质教育的启示
On the construction of indigenous personality theory model 建构中国化的人格理论模型初探
The enlightening of rogers'personality theory to enterprising education 对创新教育的启示
The traditional five-fact or personality theory of ancient china 中国古代传统的五因素人格理论
personality theory in the psychoanalysis 精神分析中的人格理论
The exploration about a developmental system view of the personality theory 人格理论的系统发展观初探
On the relationship between from's personality theory and the personality training of the modem humans 论弗洛姆的人格理论与现代人的人格培养
What is the purpose of the lpi ? the lpi is formulated based on the five factors model of human personality . it is anchored under the types traits theory of classical personality theories 是依据有关人类的性格五因素模式所成立的公程序,也是据于正统派系的性格理论之类型与特质理论而设计的。
It is necessary to study the dual characters in order to perfect personality theory including theory of personality liability and protect citizen's right of personality to the full . the basic purpose of prescribing personal right by private law is to classification a natural person, which means abandoning discrimination, and protect a natural person's benefit necessary to his or her living and development against violation made by other persons 而公民人格权栖身于以民法为代表的私法,宗旨是贯彻平等思想,对自然人进行抽象的分类,将其视为法律上平等的无差别的人,在认可其为了自身的生存和发展所享有的必须的利益上,防范其他私法主体的侵犯。
By reviewing relative personality theory and motivate theory, the paper, which found 13 characters, firstly analyzed personality character of knowledge worker, consequently, the root of motivating knowledge worker and the inter relationship between personality character and motivate factors are found 首先,文章以相关的人格理论为依据,运用人格问卷对知识型员工的人格特征进行分析研究,得出了知识型员工人格结构的13个特点,并分析了人格特征与激励因素之间的内在联系。